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Korea day

Christmas Miracle Tour: Glücklicher mit der Familie

Das Tour-Team ist in Helsinki, Finnland, angekommen. Im Land mit den besonders kurzen Tagen des Winters, hat der Schnee bereits eingesetzt und die Kälte begonnen.

Die Miracle-Truppe strebt danach, den Menschen, die im Winterfrost erstarrt sind, die wahre Wärme und Bedeutung von Weihnachten zu vermitteln.

Am 1. November wurde der Vorhang der Vorstellung in der Tikkurilan lukio geöffnet.

Neben Helsinki nahmen auch viele Menschen aus der Region Uusimaa an der Aufführung teil.


On July 7th, the 140th anniversary of the German-Korean relationship was celebrated. “Korea Day” was held at the Hohe Landesschule in Hanau by the non-profit organization “Ichhaltedich”. "Korea Day" is a cultural exchange program that, among other things, presents Korean culture, history and society. Students and parents learned more about Korean culture through various workshops and a Korean pop music concert.


Athemis: Well my name is Athemis and I thought Korea Day was the best - actually everything was very good, but I was very interested in calligraphy because I always wanted to learn writing. And it was very helpful, the teacher was very, very good. And I understood everything. It was very good. I like Korea Day. There should be more often.

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