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Christmas Miracle in Bautzen

A miracle that happened in a small town like Bethlehem, in Bautzen

Das Tourteam ist in der kleinen Grenzstadt Bautzen angekommen. Bautzen war für das Tourteam wirklich eine Stadt des Wunders, genau wie der Titel der Show es versprach. In diesem Jahr gab es im Weißenberg-Theater hier zwei Aufführungen.


-Performance on November 12th

Before the performance began, all 300 seats in the audience were sold out and chairs even had to be set up in the aisle. After the first act "For unto us", which announced the birth of Jesus, the mood in the theater was already heated by the enthusiastic reaction of the audience.

“Participating in this Christmas Miracle performance was an incredibly fantastic experience. All members showed impressive passion and presented a powerful performance that authentically portrayed the Christmas story. It was a shame to see it alone and I would highly recommend it to everyone else."


(Lydia, participant)


-Performance on the 13th. November

A second performance took place at the same location the following Monday morning. On that day, over 300 students from a nearby high school and from the town of Görlitz, which is about 30 km from Bawüchen, filled the venue.

The students were enthusiastic about the cultural dances and the Christmas dances that took place before the meal. In the first act, which shows the birth of Jesus Christ, they delved into the story of Jesus over 2,000 years ago.


Athemis: Well my name is Athemis and I thought Korea Day was the best - actually everything was very good, but I was very interested in calligraphy because I always wanted to learn writing. And it was very helpful, the teacher was very, very good. And I understood everything. It was very good. I like Korea Day. There should be more often.

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